ISSN 2658–5782
DOI 10.21662
Electronic Scientific Journal

© Институт механики
им. Р.Р. Мавлютова


Multiphase Systems is an online scientific journal launched in 1994. The first two volumes were issued in 1994 and 1996 respectively as collections of papers under the title Problems of Mechanics and Control. Until 2018 all following issues were released as Proceedings of the Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics. In 2018 the Academic Council of Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics resolved to change the title of the journal to Multiphase Systems. Due to rearrangements in 2020, the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences was announced the founder of the journal.

The journal is intended for professionals in continuum and multiphase mechanics and experts in associated fields such as acoustics, shock waves, heat exchange, mass exchange, complex system optimization and management. The journal will work for students, post-graduates or any enthusiasts for up-to-date researches in the field in question.

The journal serves as a ground for publication of and discussion on fundamental and applied studies in the following branches of mechanics:

  • fluid, gas and plasma mechanics, non-perfect and multiphase fluid mechanics, combustion, detonation and explosion mechanics;
  • solid medium, deformation and destruction mechanics, nano material mechanics;
  • optimization and control methods for complex systems.

The journal is issued 4 times a year:

  • 1st issue - March 31;
  • 2nd issue - June 30;
  • 3d issue - September 30;
  • 4th issue - December 15.

The editorial board of Multiphase Systems is inviting researchers to become authors or reviewers.

The journal publishes only papers never published elsewhere before.

The publications are in Russian and English.

The journal accepts the following types of publications:

  • theoretical articles and overviews, including hypotheses;
  • original literature reviews;
  • articles on new research methods;
  • brief essays;
  • information on research conferences, seminars and meetings;
  • monograph or book reviews;
  • reports on research events (symposia, conferences and other significant research events);
  • experts' comments to previously published articles;
  • letters to the editor.

If agreed upon with the Editor-in-Chief, the journal may publish articles on the history of science and outstanding researchers, if the raised issues appear fundamental for the contemporary interpretations in mechanics.

Publication is free of charge.

The journal has been indexed by the Russian Science Citation Index since 2011.

Since 2018 the articles have been assigned a DOI (prefix 10.21662)

Multiphase Systems adhere to Open Access.

All the articles are available in PDF at