ISSN 2658–5782
DOI 10.21662
Electronic Scientific Journal

© Институт механики
им. Р.Р. Мавлютова

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Aims and scope

The mechanics of multiphase systems is a special branch of mechanics, a science at the intersection of physics and mathematics.

Such a situation is determined by a number of factors. First of all, the fact that despite the fundamental orientation of the researches carried out within the framework of the mechanics of multiphase systems, the results have an exclusively applied nature. Further, the mechanics of multiphase systems uses advanced analytical, numerical and experimental research methods, which is determined by the nature of the phenomena being studied.

One of the important factors in the successful development of any scientific field are special periodicals. The journal ”Multiphase Systems“, whose history dates back since 1994, was created precisely for this reason. The journal is a platform for publishing and discussing results related to fluid and gas mechanics, dispersed and porous systems, bubbles and bubble clusters, solids and their interaction with the environment, as well as general results.

The journal gives preference to publishing the results of complex studies performed using modern experimental and mathematical methods, as well as research at the intersection of sciences related to the application of the multiphase systems mechanics approach.

The pages of our publication are also always open for the publication of research materials of young scientists, as well as graduate students and students.

The journal ”Multiphase systems“ can also be considered as a platform for discussions on key problems of mechanics. The editors welcome publications discussing articles published earlier in the Journal.

Based on the foregoing, the purpose of the journal ”Multiphase Systems“ is to form a high level of scientific research in the field of mechanics and related disciplines, based on modern methods and a wide range of sources. Also, an important task is to promote the journal ”Multiphase Systems“ in the international scientific space and attract international authors and readers to participate in publications.

Mission of the Journal

To achieve the set goals in science, it is important to ensure continuity in the research process. It is quite natural that some of the results of such a process may turn out to be erroneous. However, the recognition, identification and elimination of errors by the scientific community is also a significant contribution to the expansion of scientific knowledge.

Thus, the life of science is largely a search for and correction of errors, clarification and revision of previously made assumptions and conclusions. To do this, there is another function necessary for the development of science - the evaluation and generalization of the results obtained by the scientific community. Articles published in the journal "Polyphase Systems" and other scientific publications that meet international ethical and scientific standards are the most important resource in the process of obtaining new knowledge.

Science cannot exist without independent, objective and competent evaluation. The best places to organize such assessment work are the editorial offices of scientific journals, and the best places to publish assessments are the pages of these journals. Academic journals also have a certain function of organizing scientific knowledge. Scientific publications in such journals should serve as an example for authors and publishers in terms of structure, consistency of presentation and clarity of thought.