ISSN 2542–0380
Труды Института механики им. Р.Р. Мавлютова
Электронный научный журнал | Electronic Scientific Journal
Proceedings of the Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics

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им. Р.Р. Мавлютова

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Ilgamov M.A., Nasibullaeva E.Sh. Nonlinear analog of the Plesset equation for nonspherical motion of a gas bubble Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanics of Ufa Branch of RAS. 3 (2003). 164–177.
2003. Vol. 3. Issue 1, Pp. 164–177
DOI: 10.21662/uim2003.1.012
Nonlinear analog of the Plesset equation for nonspherical motion of a gas bubble
Ilgamov M.A., Nasibullaeva E.Sh.
Institute of Mechanics, Ufa


An equation analogous to Plesset's equation that describes the non-spherical motion of a gas bubble in an ideal incompressible fluid is derived. The terms containing the squares of the amplitude of the non-free perturbation were taken into account, whereas in the derivation of the Plesset equation only the linear terms are taken into account. On the basis of the obtained equations numerical calculations of the nonspherical oscillations of the bubble were carried out. A comparison of the obtained results and the Plesset equation showed that with a sufficient increase in the perturbation amplitude, the nonlinear terms begin to affect that is lead to solution limitation.


ideal incompressible liquid,
Legendre polynomial,
Bubnov–Galerkin method,
perturbation amplitude