ISSN 2658–5782
DOI 10.21662
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A.A. Lonshchakov, O.V. Darintsev Comparative analysis of approaches necessary for designing a robotic module for industrial parts defect detection. Multiphase Systems. 19 (2024) 1. 18–30 (in Russian).
2024. Vol. 19. Issue 1, Pp. 18–30
DOI: 10.21662/mfs2024.1.003
Comparative analysis of approaches necessary for designing a robotic module for industrial parts defect detection
A.A. Lonshchakov, O.V. Darintsev∗∗
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia
∗∗Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics UFRC of the RAS, Ufa, Russia


Over the past two decades, the most frequently implemented method of oil extraction in the Russian Federation has been a mechanized method using an electric submersible pump (ESP) unit. Due to the remoteness of the fields from the base of repair enterprises, the cost of transporting spent but maintainable ESPs significantly exceeds their purchase price, which over time leads to the formation of a significant amount of decommissioned oil production equipment. To solve this problem, it is proposed to develop a mobile robotic module for sorting, defecting and storing pump parts, thanks to its use, minor repairs of equipment will be possible directly at production sites. The article deals with the problems of complex flaw detection of metal and non-metallic parts with the possibility of applying the developed methodology for a wide range of industrial products, at the same time, the main attention is paid to work with ESP parts. Based on the decomposition of the problem, the most problematic operations were identified: classification of parts, surface control (identification of defects), dimensional control. The results of a brief comparative analysis for each of the above subtasks are based on a review of the scientific literature over the past 30 years, with the largest number of sources reviewed in the last 5 years. As a result optimal methods for solving the task were derived — a machine learning technique for classifying surface defects, the use of a coordinate measuring machine with a manipulator for dimensional control. A new approach is also proposed to solve the main problem of machine learning methods (lack of training samples) in the form of using synthetic photorealistic images for classification with transfer of defect features from semantically close and publicly available training samples.


vision system,
defect detection,
automatic visual inspection (AVI),
surface defect classification,
automatic parts measurement

Article outline

The issues of ensuring the smooth operation of downhole equipment while reducing operating costs do not lose their relevance at the moment. One of the effective ways to solve this problem is the development of a mobile small-sized robotic module for sorting and defective parts of the ESP. If gross defects and violations of the integrity of parts can be detected by weighing or simple mold control operations using a template, then the identification and classification of surface defects is quite a difficult problem.

The main purpose of this work is to analyze known methods and techniques for controlling the shape and surface of products made of various materials. Classification accuracy and processing speed are recognized as the most significant characteristics for evaluating the effectiveness of the considered methods.

Various approaches and solutions were considered for the task of detecting surface defects, as well as ways to carry out dimensional control of ESP parts. The advantages and disadvantages of the following methods are analyzed: statistical, spectral, complex and machine learning-based. For the selected GAN method, a solution to the problem with the lack of a training sample is shown, which consists in using a synthetic photorealistic sample supplemented with images of defects transferred from the well-known databases DAGM, Kolector SSD 2, Severstal, MVTec AD.

Dimensional control requires increased accuracy from the measuring equipment used, therefore, options for using contact and non-contact measurement methods were considered. The choice was made in favor of two options: laser triangulation and a control and measuring machine in combination with a complete manipulation robot. The final choice can be made only after agreement with the customer.

The main results. It is shown that in order to determine the composition of the developed robotic defect module, it is necessary to first solve the issues of methodological and technological support for the operations performed. Thus, the use of a specialized approach to the identification of surface effects and the modification of training methods made it possible to increase the accuracy of the operation and implement the adjustment of algorithms.

Conclusion. A brief overview of the techniques and approaches used for automated part flaw detection confirms not only the high complexity, but also the great demand for the task for various industries and other fields of application. The considered examples make it possible to exclude doubts about the possibility of practical implementation of an automated module, the effectiveness of which is determined by the correct use of a manipulating robot with peripheral equipment. A plan for further research has been generated, including the construction of a laboratory stand and conducting tests.


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